Sunday 16 February 2014

Take Crohn's One Day at a Time

When I think about my journey with Crohn's Disease, I'm very much reminded of a chorus we used to sing in Primary School - just a few years back. It goes *clears throat*:

Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday
Thursday, Friday, Saturday too
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 days
Each day different 
And every day new

If I could describe to you how life with Crohn's Disease is, it would be the last two sentences. For me, those words apply when Crohn's is in remission and when I'm experiencing a flare - especially when I'm on Prednisolone, that bittersweet medicine - because each day brings something different. It's not always a negative though, some days I'm happy because I'll go to the toilet 3 times instead of 5. (That's a pretty big deal!) It could also be something as simple as my stomach deciding not to gurgle every time the room goes dead silent - I can't even remember how many times I've had to try and cough over that noise. It sounds like our current windy situation, but louder and extremely embarrassing!

However, now that Crohn's is in remission, I still have to be as cautious as anything, if not more so, because any little thing could trigger a flare. For instance, I know that eating certain foods have the ability to cause an explosion, so to speak, in the nether regions, so I simply stay away. (I do still have moments where I want to indulge in the "forbidden" foods, but it's not always worth it when you're stuck to the loo the next day). For instance, that delicious Burger you see, the one with the Sesame Seeds on - clearly I need to rethink how I take pictures if I ever want to show you the meat - was absolutely divine, but the Habanero jam (pretty much chillies) caused a bit of a disturbance the very next day.

Gourmet Burger Kitchen's Habanero with Sweet
Potato Fries - it was delicious but deadly
I'll admit I chose the burger at my own risk, I'm usually better at making my food choices, but that night I just wanted it and it was amazing even if it messed me up a tad. But what I suggest, that I'm sure you all know, is to keep a food diary and stick with it. Mine is more of a mental diary than a physical one because I've had Crohn's for a while now, but at least I know what sets me off and what keeps my insides relatively normal. It's a good idea in the long run though, you'll feel like you've got a portion of your life back simply because of the foods you choose to eat and drink.

No song is complete without it's ending, so I've decided to add it in for the fun of it - it pretty much sums up our British weather.

Wet days, dry days, bright days, cloudy days
Hot days, cold days, windy days too
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 days
Each day different
And every day new

So every time you feel like you can't take anymore, think of this simple children's song and remember that things will turn around eventually. It's not the immediate remedy we're all hoping for, but your symptoms will calm down over a period of time. It'll seem like forever, as it did for me, but there's light at the end of the tunnel and slowly but surely you'll make it through - one day at a time. Monitor what triggers your symptoms and do your best to avoid it at all times - unlike me with the Habanero Jam. *Epic fail*

Happy Sunday guys, remember to keep smiling and stay fabulous,

Sam xx

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