Sunday 14 September 2014

I'm back!

Hey all!

It's been SUCH a long time since I've blogged and I've missed it so much!

A few weeks after my last post I started my new job (yay!) as a Copywriter for quite a big Bank, so you can imagine I've been crazy busy. I've now settled into my job and I love it more than I can say. As with most things though, stress plays a part in it and unfortunately for us with a "stress-related illness", your body begins to suffer just a tad (actually,way more than a "tad"). I suffered a minor setback and had a flare-up, so I was pretty much bed bound for about 8 weeks, and that was after catching the flare at the "early stages" :-|.

Seeing as it's my first post in a few months, I'm going to keep it brief for now, but I do have a LOT to talk about. A lot of my forthcoming posts will include things I've done over the summer, what helps me relax during flares, balancing work life with Crohn's and a little bit of this and that (probably a lot of actually) just to keep you entertained.

I intend to keep on blogging about Crohn's Disease until everyone and anyone will feel comfortable talking about it. If you've been diagnosed with it recently, or you've had it a while, continue to fight the good fight and live life to the max! Having an illness doesn't stop you from achieving your goals, it's just a little stumbling block that can be overcome in due course.

Wishing you all the best on this fine Sunday morning :-)

Keep smiling and stay absolutely fabulous!

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