Wednesday 28 August 2013

Streamlined Silhouettes

During the course of Steroids, clothes can either be your best friend or your worst nightmare. Why you ask? I thought it was bloat...everywhere! I found that dressing my new frame was one of the hardest things to do, I seemed to be getting bigger by the hour. It's deeply depressing because you know the medication is working for the greater good, but the side effects seriously suck! Getting better is one thing, but looking and feeling puffed up doesn't exactly make you feel great.

The perfect way to describe Steroids is that it makes everyday life bittersweet. Although it reduces internal swelling, stops frequent bowel movements, and makes each day more manageable, it does so at the expense of blowing you up like a balloon. (I'm not even exaggerating here, you genuinely blow up - see below)

I'm pretty sure this was me at my biggest -
Moon face alert!

The major giveaway to my weight gain is my face, arms, and the dreaded swollen foot. (Seriously annoying.) What worked for me here - you may disagree - is that I wore a loose Sleeveless Blouse and mirrored this with a Dip-Hemmed Maxi Skirt. I'm almost certain this was one of the hottest days of the year, so I didn't want anything to cling to me, I probably would have sweat patches everywhere - another annoying side effect, hot flushes.

After speaking with a few people on long-term Steroids, we all agreed that bloating and looking almost 6 months pregnant was by far the most embarrassing side effect. I've been questioned, or rather confronted as to whether I'm pregnant, why I'm "getting so fat" - in those exact words I might add - and why I've been "stuffing my face with unhealthy food". *Sigh* Yes people were that ignorant and rude. Their words cut like a knife and most days I wanted to crawl under a rock until I was off the meds. Was that a way to live? Certainly not.

I've delayed writing this post because I was a tad embarrassed, but you know what, feeling ashamed about something I couldn't control made me feel worse about myself. I used to let Crohn's rule me and when it would flare, I became the person that never left my room and always declined invitations because I felt and looked awful (or so I thought). Because of this, I decided to bare all and share my secret to looking great whilst living with a temporarily bigger frame.

So how do you streamline your silhouette I hear you ask? Simple, with Shapewear! You may not see this as a reason to be embarrassed, but for a 23 year old to admit that I've had to wear undergarments that suck me in is not an easy thing to do. I mean let's face it, I couldn't exactly wear my Loose Blouse and Maxi Skirt every day of the week could I?

While some people can go to the gym to lose the extra pounds, that's not exactly easy to do when you're on Steroids, and don't let anyone tell you it is's not! I've compiled a small list of where you can buy these beauties so that your silhouette will look as great as it did before the Steroids kicked in.

#1 - Debenhams

Body Shaper - £38
I absolutely love this all-in-one Shaper. It does wonders to your figure and keeps your tummy well and truly tucked away. This means you don't have to walk around with your hands casually placed in front of you to hide the bulge. I know I'm not the only one who does this - or am I?

#2 - Marks and Spencer

Shaping Slip - £27.50
Even as I write about this, I'm laughing. I used to hate wearing slips when I was younger, and now I swear by them - I think I'm turning into my mum. Although this isn't the exact slip my mum was talking about, the Shaping Slip doesn't fail to deliver, resulting in a perfect fitting dress that "hangs perfectly" as said by mum.

#3 - Asos

High Waist Thigh Slimmer - £30
A High Waist Thigh Slimmer is the perfect accompaniment to a High Waisted Skirt and will accentuate all curves that appear hidden or less defined. You'll be able to put on clothes that suit your body shape again without feeling like you have to play it safe.

#4 - Primark

Seam-free Waist Shaper
Briefs - £5

These briefs work wonders when you don't necessarily want to be nipped and tucked everywhere. The control isn't as fierce as the others, but it certainly beats the changing room scene in White Chicks (2004). Believe me, you won't have to "suck it in sister", you just need to make sure it's the right size so it does the job.

I have to confess, the one I bought is not on here, because once again, it's not available online. (I know, I should seriously stop visiting shops if I'm not able to find the link for you all.) Anyway, my Shape wear was from T K Maxx, and it has seen me through my bigger days and even though I don't rely on it as much, it still keeps me at times. Yes, I am talking about my undergarment like it's a friend. It helped me step out the door in outfits I didn't think I could pull off anymore, and it'll do the same for you.

Don't let weight gain, regardless of medication or other, stop you from taking pride in your appearance. If you invest in one of these, I promise you'll be able to rock Bodycon Dresses and High Waist Skirts again. What's more, you'll look and feel amazing at the same time. 

I hope this helps, but always remember to stay fabulous and keep smiling.

Sam xx

Monday 19 August 2013

The Wide Fit Footwear Edition

Anyone suffering with swollen feet knows how irritating and painful it can be. Although I'm no longer taking Prednisolone, I still have water retention. Yes, I do drink plenty of water, and yes, I do keep my feet elevated above my heart (if I had a pound for every time I heard that...) No matter what I do, I cannot shift water retention. It usually disappears after a while, but until then I have to make sure I'm wearing the right Shoes on my feet.

But do you know what's worse that swollen feet? A swollen foot. Yes, that's right, one normal sized foot, and one that's abnormally large. If you don't believe me, take a look at my Kankle!

Exhibit A: Not the best looking shot of my feet I agree, but
look at the difference between the left and the right foot.

Regardless of whether I'm in heels, or flats, my foot tends to swell up a lot. I know the importance of staying hydrated, especially in the heat we've been having recently, but again, nothing seems to change. It's particularly annoying when I'm planning on wearing a great outfit and have to change everything because my shoe won't accommodate the size of my foot.

Medication or no medication, Crohn's or no Crohn's, swollen feet can affect anybody at anytime so don't aggravate them by wearing ill-fitting shoes. If you can relate to my Jekyll and Hyde feet, find out the Top 5 places to buy Footwear that won't leave you bed bound and in agony towards the end of the night and the next day. The best thing about these shops are they cater for wide feet, so you won't have to size up and face the risk of not being able to wear them when your feet return to normal. 

#1 - Clarks

If you're after footwear that last, Clarks will not let you down. They know the importance of Foot health and combine this with the latest trends to keep your feet neat and stylish without compromise. It's worth visiting a store to get your feet measured and following their quick and simple buying tips. (Available in half sizes.)

When I think of M&S, the first thing that comes to mind is quality - M&S definitely deliver on that. Their range of Wide Fit Footwear will allow you to look your best and forget water retention was ever a problem. To sum up: It's not just any Shoe, it's M&S Shoes - I know it's for food, but if the slogan fits... (Available in half sizes.)

#3 - Evans

It's no secret that Evans style curvy women, so it made perfect sense to check out their range of footwear. They're collection of Shoes and Boots will blow you away, and the icing on the cake would be the Wide and Extra Wide Fit selection of footwear available. The hardest decision would be, what do I buy first?

#4 - New Look

New Look have over 100 pairs of Wide Fit Shoes and Boots that'll guarantee your feet look amazing at all times. Better still, they'll feel good at the same time so you won't have to make your feet suffer just so that the entire outfit looks perfect. Not that I've done anything like that before...

#5 - Debenhams

Debenhams certainly know how to impress when it comes to buying the perfect pair of Wide Fit Court Shoes. Unfortunately the categories wouldn't allow me to be so specific and provide you with the perfect link - you know how online shopping can be sometimes. Either way, you'll be able to find something to suit most occasions.

I hope this helps you in your quest to find the perfect pair of Shoes/Boots - it most certainly will keep me busy for the next few days. But the most important thing to remember is that your feet will return to their normal size eventually. As to how long it'll be, I couldn't tell you. So to make sure your Shoes/Boots still fit when the swelling reduces, buy some Insoles. This will ensure you don't have to wear 2 pairs of socks in your Shoes. Trust me, they do the job and it's comfortable.

Happy shopping, stay fabulous and keep smiling,

Love Sam xxx

Friday 16 August 2013

Graduation Day!

As you may or may not know, I graduated from The University of Westminster in July with an Upper Second Class Honours Degree in English Literature - what a mouthful. In short, I got a 2:1 hehe.
Yes that collar thing was choking me.
Word of advice: take PLENTY of Safety Pins

It's probably one of my greatest achievements, not simply because I survived reading English Lit (3 novels a week minimum) but I did it against all odds. You might think I'm exaggerating, but there were times I didn't think I'd even be alive, let alone reach the end of the course. And it's not because of the mammoth workload. Crohn's literally made studying impossible at times!

I look back now, Crohn's in remission, and think, how the heck did I manage to live with pain for so long?!

In 2011, I ended the year on Prednisolone (Steroids to reduce the inflamed intestines) among other tablets, and went into the new year and my final year of Uni ready to graduate with a bang. Unfortunately, the minute I came off the medication, I went back on again. It was a nightmare.

What some people don't realise is that even though the Steroids work wonders at reducing inflammation, it causes awful side effects such as insomnia, and lack of concentration . Now for someone who has to read books like they're going out of print, that's pretty inconvenient.

I'll give you an insight as to how it affected me. I could read a book in 1-2 days (yes I'm bragging), but when on Prednisolone, I would read the same page for about 2 hours and forget what was said. Needless to say, my time of studying disintegrated.

Venue: The Royal Festival Hall
My Mood: Elation!

If it wasn't for my wonderful Dissertation supervisor who could see I was at a low point in life, I would've finished Uni with a grade that didn't reflect my true potential. After endless nights crying and feeling sorry for myself and hating everyone who was healthy (shocking I know), I took the time to relax at home - even though each day felt like a year - and focus on returning to my former health and self.

Crohn's can affect you at any stage of life, but if you're in Higher Education, don't give up on your dreams. You'll receive lots of support from your Uni as well as Student Finance, so you won't have to drop out. Neither should you fret about not being able to go to Uni because of your condition. I thought that when I was studying for my A-Levels, but us Crohnies aren't excluded.

Something I would definitely recommend looking into is Disabled Student Allowance. At first I didn't even realise I was entitled to receive this, but after I had to defer, the Disability advisor at my uni gave me the form and told me to fill it out so that when I returned, I would get more assistance. Don't be afraid to declare you have Crohn's either. It won't be the topic of discussions in classes, unless you choose to bring it up. (I can't imagine it would make a good discussion though, especially not in any of my classes anyway.)

At first I didn't want to get the help, for fear that I was taking advantage even though I was really ill - you know, pride gets in the way. Eventually when the equipment came, such as my dictaphone and laptop, I felt at ease. It meant that when I went to lessons, I could record everything and not have to worry about missing the last word of a great sentence. After the Prednisolone, this was a Godsend.

I say all of that to say this, Crohn's will not defeat you unless you let it. Don't try and be the hero and plough on through the pain. Believe me, you're only making things worse for yourself. I learned the hard way and I certainly paid for it. But I got there in the end and I couldn't be happier

You can have a great experience at uni with an autoimmune disease and reach the end of your course a better person. I did and now I'm unashamed of Crohn's and want to help anyone and everyone reach that place where you no longer despise your body, but rather embrace the new you, hopefully stress-free.

If I can do it, so can you!

Stay strong and keep smiling,
Sam xx

Here's a few pics from my Graduate Celebration Meal. My lovely parents took me to The Jumeirah Carlton Tower. If you can, go there, it's amazing!

A great starter, I just can't remember what fish it was -
it was beautifully cooked though.

Yorkshire Pud and Steak - I wasn't on Steroids here so I struggled
to eat the lot!

My sister's dessert - Strawberry SoufflĂ©. 

The best dessert I've ever had, inspired by Wimbledon Tennis.
Their take on Strawberries and Cream.