Sunday 21 September 2014

The Isolating Illness

I'm almost certain that everyone living with an illness feels isolated from everyone else at some stage, especially if you're the only one in your family or friendship circle with it. I often battle with this, sometimes on a daily basis, sometimes once in a blue moon, but it still happens even though I've had Crohn's now for about 7 years.

A few months ago I experience a "minor" flare-up, which had me off work for 8 weeks. It was pretty devastating, more so because I'd started my new job as a Copywriter a few months before. I felt awful to say the least. I'd go as far as saying I felt like a failure because I couldn't keep this invisible illness in check. But what I kept forgetting during those moments of beating myself up was that it wasn't the end of the road for me. Yes I had to take time off work in order to get better, but my job was still there. I also may have been on bed rest for what felt like 10 years, but what was I really missing out on? The commute to work? Seeing friends? Seeing family? Of which both friends and family rallied round me as much as they could so that I wasn't "alone".

It was a difficult time. It's always a difficult time when you're in constant pain and the thought of getting out of bed is too much because everything will hurt. But one day I just had to stop feeling sorry for myself and get the heck out of bed. I chose to put on a fancy top even though I wasn't going anywhere. I just couldn't stomach seeing myself in leggings and a baggy Tee anymore (not quite a pun but let's just say it is lol). I binge-watched a lot of TV series' and read some great books, which I'll share in a separate post.

To everyone living with an illness today, whether Crohn's Disease or not, you're not alone. It might feel like you are. Hell, it'll even feel like "no one understaaaaaands" what you're going through (yes I often said it just like that), but they do to a certain extent. Does that give you comfort? Probably not. But the point I'm getting at is you're only alone if you choose not to let people be there for you in whatever way they can. And if you're family and friends don't know what you're feeling, tell them. You don't have to share all the not-so-glamourous details, but tell them you'd appreciate their company so you don't feel so isolated when the horrible thoughts come. If they don't know how you feel, they won't always gather round you when you need it most.

That's all from me today guys, but don't let the illness keep you away from the good things in life.

 Stay strong and keep smiling x

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